Monday, September 30, 2019

Give Me Liberty: Chapter 17 Outline Essay

Populists or people’s party members were part of this era’s greatest political insurgency. It evolved from the Farmers’ Alliance, where farmers across forty-three states banded together to remedy their condition. The people’s party not only attracted farmers but also included all the â€Å"producing classes.† Their lasting legacy comes from the populist platform of 1892 and also from the fact that populism came close to replacing the two already existing parties. Explain how a system of racial segregation was established in the South: Since populism failed in the south, it was open to the induction of a new racial order. As much of Reconstruction was undone as possible by the Redeemers, so called because they believed they saved the region from alleged misgovernment and impending â€Å"black rule.† New laws were created that jailed anyone without a job, and the punishment for petty crimes was increased tenfold. Of course, the black population suffered the greatest after this. Then, convict laboring became popular which basically put blacks right back into slavery. Blacks continued to be denied high paying jobs, but a black middle class began to arise in the urban communities consisting of people with professions such as teachers and professors. Blacks in politics declined also, though not abruptly. They eventually lost their right to vote. In Plessy v. Ferguson it was made legal to segregate public places. Lynching also rose in popular ity again. Describe what ways the boundaries of American freedom grew narrower in this period: At the end of the 19th century, the thought process of Americans changed quite a bit, towards the idea that freedom should not be offered equally, only to the right and supposed deserving people. An Ohio newspaper stated that the influx of immigrants was overrunning cities, and that they â€Å"have no appreciation of the true meaning of liberty.† Most of the immigrants in this period came from Italy, Russia, Austro-Hungarian empires, and other countries in Southern and eastern Europe. Immigrants were looked down upon as horrible excuses for people who are inclined to steal and commit crime from birth. People started to look for a way to limit the rights of these people, and also prevent more from entering. In Boston, the immigration restriction league was formed and proposed that literacy would be required to enter the country. This was adopted by many states. Blacks also continued to see less and less rights in the South, as well as disenfranchisement. Suffrage was becoming more of a privilege in America, instead of a right. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890’s: America started out slow as government officials and business owners decided the land and resources they had weren’t enough. At first, proposals to annex other countries were vetoed and over-sea focus remained mostly on trade. Then, a group of late nineteenth century thinkers proposed an idea of updated manifest destiny, and that the most beneficial thing to do for the world was to impose the Anglo-Saxon traditions on uncivilized societies and turn them into consumers of American goods. This was outlined in the book Our Country by Josiah Strong. Alfred T. Mahan took advantage of the time at which western expansion ended, as all land was finally claimed by a state. He published a book that urged American expansion to move outward because we could no longer capitalize on our own land. This book influenced James Blaine, secretary of state during the presidency of Harrison. Harrison requested the construction of four new battleships, while Blaine encouraged the president to push for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Cuba to be set up as naval bases. The depression further exacerbated these ideas and plunged the country into a period of aggressive nationalism, where newspapers containing sentiments of nationalism views sold like hotcakes. Vocabulary: The Farmer’s Alliance – Farmer’s in the early 1890’s felt disenfranchised, so they banded together to aid each other. Spread across 43 states. The Populist Party – Evolved from the farmer’s alliance, except it included all working classes. Their platform still remains a classic American document. They sought to redefine the idea of freedom in the contemporary government. It attracted many followers, including a large number of women who wanted suffrage, and a small number of blacks. Populist Platform – Consisted of six main items: 1. Direct election of U.S. Senators 2. Government control of currency 3. A graduated income tax 4. Low cost public financing for farmers 5. Legalize unionizing 6. Public ownership of railroads William J. Bryan –Second candidate chosen by populists for president. He was supported by democrats as well and ran as democrat even. He condemned the gold standard, and advocated free silver and unrestricted minting of silver money. He hoped it would help relieve farmer debts. He was also devoutly religious. Coxey’s Army – A band of several hundred unemployed men led by Ohio businessman Jacob Coxey demanding economic relief. They marched to D.C. where they were forced to disperse by soldiers. Pullman Strike – Workers in a company owned town called Pullman called a strike due to low wages. The idea spread and the boycott called by the American Railway Union crippled national rail service, government injunctions were imposed to force laborers to work. Eugene V. Debs – Charismatic leader of the rail-worker’s union and the Pullman strike, was jailed for contempt of court. On his release, 100,000 people greeted him, and he called them lovers of liberty. He said that state and national government was going to take from the weak their birthright of freedom. Free Silver – Unrestricted minting of silver money, Supported by Bryan because he hoped to circulate more money to aid farmers. Election of 1896 – Won by William McKinley, the republican candidate. Bryan who represented the democrats lost by about 6 million votes. Bryan is noted to have driven many republicans to McKinley because of Bryan’s call for inflation and speeches against corporate arrogance. Northeast and Midwest industrial states voted republican, while less populous states voted for Bryan which is why he lost. William McKinley – Former Ohio governor and republican, won the election of 1896. His campaign manager Hanna created a political machine that flooded the states with pamphlets and other propaganda. The Redeemers – Claimed to have redeemed the southern region of misgovernment and black rule. They were able to impose their racial order due to the failure of populism in the south. When they gained power they quickly undid as much as they were able of Reconstruction. New laws incarcerated people for the simplest of crimes, and then convicts were bought and sold and used as a cheap form of labor, much like slavery. The Kansas Exodus – 50,000 blacks migrated to Kansas in the belief they would find political equality, freedom from violence, access to education and economic opportunity. Pap singleton handed out flyers portraying Kansas as a utopia. However, most blacks didn’t have the capital to farm so they ended up getting stuck there with low paying jobs. Decline of Black Politics and voting – Black people gave up their interest in politics after reconstruction, and they sought more fulfilling careers in business, law, or the church. This turned out to be their worst mistake because then their voting was taken away in the south as soon as it was possible. Poll taxes and other voter restrictions were enacted that were aimed at blacks but still lawful. Jim Crow Laws – State and local laws mandating de jure racial segregation in Southern states. Examples: Created the poll taxes, literacy tests, and the grandfather clause. Blacks were denied access to many public and municipal facilities such as parks, theaters, housing, and mass transit. Various economic sanctions were placed on blacks in order to maintain their status. Plessy V. Ferguson – Upheld the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of â€Å"separate but equal.† Lynching – The murder of a person, usually black, and then hanging them on a tree to ridicule them. Authorities seldom involved themselves in the conflicts even though they knew about them. Chinese Exclusion Act – The first major legal restriction on immigration to the U.S.; prohibited further unskilled Chinese immigration in order to reduce competition for jobs. Booker T. Washington – Former slave who promoted economic independence and a slow transition for blacks into free society; founded the Tuskegee Institute. American Federation of Labor – Alliance of skilled workers in craft unions; focus was bread-and butter issues such as higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. It was led by Samuel Gompers. Alfred Mahan – Author who argued in 1890 that the economic future of the United States rested on new overseas markets protected by a larger navy; wrote â€Å"The Influence of Sea Power Upon History.† Josiah Strong – Author of Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, in which he urged Anglo-Saxons to â€Å"civilize and Christianize† the American West. Annexation of Hawaii – American sugar plantation owners began the annexation by overthrowing the country’s queen successfully, which was followed by American military action. McKinley requested a joint resolution of annexation because it was popular amongst Americans although not among Hawaiians. Spanish – American War – Caused by suspicions of the Maine, support of Cuban independence, economic depression, and Yellow Press Journalism. The effect it had on America was that it pushed it into imperialism, after the war was won by the U.S., they received three new territories. Teller Amendment – Promised that America would not annex Cuba after winning the war. Yellow Journalism – Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers. Open Door Policy – Allowed free flow of trade with Asia, while still barring Asians to enter the country. The Philippine War – Began after Filipinos incorrectly thought that they would self govern after independence from Spain. McKinley decided he still wanted the islands though, so they revolted and lost. â€Å"White Man’s Burden† – Poem by Rudyard Kipling outlining the contemporary thoughts of the government, which is it is our duty to civilize the lesser races. Anti – Imperialist League – Argued that an empire and democracy cannot coexist.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology Essay

Define/Describe the following terms as completely and detailed as you can: 1. Inflammation- Inflammation is the bulging of skin, organs, or other body parts due to fluid buildup caused an injury. The fluid rushes to the injured area and that is what makes the puffiness. 2. High Fructose Corn Syrup- (HFCS) Composed of corn and lab chemicals. HFCS is found in processed foods such as salad dressing and soda. Your body does not recognize it as food so it shunts the HFCS to a fat cell and that is what causes weight gain. 3. The 4 parts of the vertebral column plus 1 â€Å"special† part- The four parts of the vertebral column are made up of twenty nine vertebrae each separated by an intravertebral disc which absorbs shock to the vertebrae. The first part is called cervical vertebrae, there are seven of them, they are the smallest vertebrae and they are at the top of your neck. The first of the cervical vertebrae is called the atlas and the second is called axis and it allows your head to turn side to side. Next are the thoracic vertebrae. The thoracic vertebrae are the next twelve under your cervical vertebrae. These vertebrae are larger and thicker than the cervical vertebrae. The next sets of vertebrae are your lumbar vertebrae which are the last five vertebrae in your lower back. Lumbar vertebrae are your biggest, strongest and thickest vertebrae. They need to be big and strong because they support the weight of your body. The sacrum is at the very end of your vertebral column. The sacrum is composed of five fused vertebrae. *Fun Fact: giraffes and humans have the same number of vertebrae.* The â€Å"special† part of your vertebral column is called the coccyx. The coccyx is located at the very end of your vertebral column. The coccyx has no real function. 4. Bone marrow and hemoglobin- Hemoglobin plays a big role in cellular respiration and oxygen supply. Hemoglobin carries oxygen. Bone marrow is a soft, netlike mass of connective tissue that is in the medullary cavities of bones classified as long bones. The marrow is housed in the spaces of the spongy bones. Spongy bone is most abundant in the proximal and distal epiphysis’s of a long bone.  There are two types of bone marrow, red and yellow. Yellow bone marrow stores fat and red marrow functions in the formation of red and white blood cells. Red bone marrow receives its color from hemoglobin because it stores oxygen which turns blood red. 5. The 3 layers of the skin- The integumentary has three parts; the epidermis is the outer layer and it lack blood, the second layer of skin is the dermis and it carries nutrients, the third and final layer of skin is called the subcutaneous layer and it is located under the dermis. The subcutaneous layer sits right Next to fat and it the most inside layer. 6. The 3 types of muscle tissue- Muscle tissue is broken down into three layers and a covering called fascia that covers everything. The first and most outside layer it called epimysium and it surrounds the muscle as a whole. The second layer of muscle tissue is known as the perimysium and it surrounds the bundles of muscle fibers. The final and most inner layer of muscle tissue is the endomysium and it surrounds each individual muscle fiber. 7. Type I and II muscle fibers- Smooth muscle in particular has two types of muscle fiber, multiunit and visceral. Multiunit muscle fibers are separated unlike visceral tissue that is made up of sheets and spindle shaped cells. Multiunit muscle fibers can be found in the irises of your eyeball and visceral tissue is common in hollow organ like the stomach. Cellular Metabolism 1. Explain the function of metabolism- Metabolism builds and breaks down particles. The main function of the metabolism is to synthesize, use and store energy. 2. Compare and contrast anabolism and catabolism- anabolism is the buildup of larger molecules from smaller ones which requires energy and catabolism is the opposite it breaks down large particles to produce energy. 3. Describe how energy in the form of ATP becomes available for cellular activities- Energy in the form of ATP is used for many cellular activities. To produce ATP, ADP has to combine with a third phosphate and that creates ATP for cellular activities such as glycolysis which is the first step in cellular respiration. 4. Describe the steps of protein synthesis- Information from DNA is transcribed into mRNA, which is messenger RNA, and then the mRNA is translated into a series of amino acids. The two steps are transcription and then translation. Integumentary System 1. Describe the structure of the layers of the skin- The epidermis is the top layer that you can touch and it lacks blood. Next is the dermis, the dermis carries nutrients and contains the hair follicles, it also contain your sweat gland ducts. The most inner layer of the skin is called the subcutaneous layer, it is not a true layer of skin but it helps to conserve body heat and it helps keep out unwanted heat from the outside. 2. Summarize the factors that determine skin color- Skin color is determined largely by melanin. Everyone has approximately the same number of melanocytes but genetics determine how fast and how much melanin the melanocytes produce. The more melanin you have the darker your skin is. 3. Describe wound healing- The wound and the area around it become swollen or inflamed due to fluid that leaked into the injured area. This is not a bad thing because it provides the area with more nutrients and oxygen which aids healing. If a break on the skin is shallow then the epithelial cells divide faster and the new cells fill the broken area. If the cut is deep into the dermis or subcutaneous layer to blood vessels form a blood clot and the dried tissue fluids help to form a scab. Cells work continuously to clear away dead cells and other remains and eventually it is all replaced with new cells under the scab and they scab will in time come off. If the wound is deep then extensive construction of collagenous fibers may create a raised portion of skin called a scar. 4. How can a person avoid developing skin cancer during their lifetime?- In order to avoid developing skin cancer a person should avoid exposing their skin to high-intensity sunlight, use sunscreens, examine skin regularly. 5. List two examples of modified sweat glands in the body and what they secrete- The two types of sweat glands are eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands secrete sweat that is carries through a tube called a duct and released at the surface of a pore. (Ex: Eccrine glands release the sweat that you feel on your palms when you get nervous.) The apocrine glands, become active when you hit puberty, secrete sweat as well but they release it when a person is emotionally upset, sexually aroused, scared or in pain. Sweat develops a scent when it interacts with bacteria. 6. What two specific properties of skin allow it to regulate body temperature?- In order to regulate body temperature the  skin needs to release heat as needed or conserve heat as needed. When the body becomes too hot it sends a message to your blood vessels to dilate and that allows blood to come in and heat to escape. When your body becomes too cold it sends a message to your blood vessels to constrict which does not allow heat to escape your body. Skeletal System 1. Explain how calcium levels are maintained in the blood and bone- Homeostasis of the calcium levels in bone is controlled by resorption and deposition of calcium into the bones. Also 3-5% of calcium in bones is exchanged each year. If you have less than 3-5% you would be a midget but if you have more than 3-5% then you would be a giant. Osteoclasts break down bone and osteoblasts build bone. 2. Explain why the shoulder joint and hip joints are more mobile than the finger joints- The shoulder and hips joints are ball-and-socket joints and are more mobile than your finger joints, which are condylar joints, because ball-and-socket joints are literally a ball like shaped bone that sits in a cup shaped cavity in anther bone. The placement and shape of these bones allows for rotation and movement on all planes. Condylar joints like the fingers are like puzzles everything fits together. But just like a puzzle you can bend them it but they don’t rotate. 3. List the active tissues in a bone- Bone tissue Cartilage Dense connective tissue Blood Nervous tissue 4. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons, and name the major parts of each- The axial skeleton consists of your thoracic cage which is your ribs, vertebral column, and sternum, and xiphoid process. The axial skeleton consist of your limbs(arms and legs), pectoral girdle(scapula and clavicles), and your pelvic girdle(coccyx, sacrum, ilium, ischium, pubis anterior and medial) 5. List six types of synovial joints, and describe the actions of each- Ball-and-socket- Movement in all planes and enables rotation. Condylar- Variety of movement in different planes but no rotation. Plane- Sliding or twisting. Hinge- Flexion or extension. Pivot- Rotation around a central axis. Saddle- Variety of movements, mainly in two planes. 6. List all 6 types of synovial joints and describe/explain each one. List one example for each- Ball-and-socket-Ball shaped head of a bone articulates with the cavity of another bone. (Ex: hip) Condylar-oval-shaped condyle f one bone articulates with egg-shaped cavity of another bone. (Ex: Phalanges. Excluding the thumb) Plane-articulating surfaces are almost flat or slightly curved. (Ex: carpals) Hinge-Convex surface of one bone articulates with a concave surface of another. (Ex: elbow) Pivot-Cylindrical surface of one bone articulates with the ring of bone and ligament. (Ex: vertebrae) Saddle-the surface of one bone fits the surfaces of another. (Ex: thumb) Muscular System 1. What happens to muscles when a weight lifter becomes sedentary? – when a weight lifter becomes sedentary his muscle mass is going to begin to decrease because he isn’t using them. His muscles are just going to keep shrinking and shrinking. This happens as quickly as two weeks. 2. Describe the sliding filament theory and steps of muscular contraction- Muscle fiber releases ACh. Protein receptors sense Ach being released. Green light (stimulus) is received by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Signal to release Ca+. Ca+ is given to sarcoplasm. Ca+ interacts with your tropomyosin and triponin. Actin will â€Å"cross-bridge† (contraction) Ca+ returns to the sarcoplasmic reticulum so link is broken and muscle relaxes. 3. Describe the differences between slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers- slow twitch muscle give you the ability to do exercise for a  longer period of time because they fatigue slower and are efficient in the use of oxygen to produce more fuel or ATP. Fast twitch muscle fibers are good for fast bursts of exercise because they fatigue quickly and they can fire more rapidly than slow twitch fibers. 4. Identify the major parts of a skeletal muscle fiber, and the function of each- Myofibrils- they consist of actin and myosin and aid in the act of contraction. Myosin- Thick protein Actin- thin protein Sarcomere- units for muscle contraction -I bands- composed of actin -Z lines- 5. Explain how muscular contractions move body parts and help maintain posture-Muscle tone is a form of sustained contractions, which are contractions that occur even when we appear to be standing still. They keep our body upright a.k.a. posture. These contractions are responses to nerve impulses that come from the spinal cord and stimulate the muscle fibers to move. If our body loses muscle tone then we would collapse. Which is what happens when a person is unconscious. Nervous System 1. Describe the general functions of the brain stem- the brainstem is nervous tissue that connects the cerebrum to the spinal cord. The brainstem has three separate parts. Midbrain- reflex centers associated with the eyes and head movement. Pons- transmits impulses between the cerebrum and other parts of the nervous system. Also helps regulate breathing Medulla Oblongata- transmits all ascending (to the brain) and descending (away from the brain) impulses and contains several vital and non-vital reflex centers. 2. Why can a person still be alive even though they are â€Å"brain dead?†- You can still be alive and be brain dead it just means that your brain stem doesn’t work. When you are brain dead its like being in a coma. You can’t move anything or understand anything but you are still there. You would live in a hospital or have 24/7 monitoring and you would be living off tubes and wires. 3. Describe the coverings of the brain and spinal cord- the first layer of covering over the brain and spinal cord is dura matter. Dura matter is the outermost layer. It made up of tough, white, fibrous connective  tissue and contains many blood vessels and also nerves. The second layer is arachnoid matter. This matter is thin and does not contain many blood vessels and it lies right below the dura matter. The innermost layer and final layer is the pia matter. This matter is very thin and does contain many blood vessels and nerves to nourish underlying cells in the brain and spinal cord. 4. Name the cranial nerves and list their major functions- Olfactory- sense of smell Optic- vision Oculomotor- eye movement Trigeminal- controls facial expressions Vestibular- controls hearing and vestibular Glassopharengeal- controls tongue Vagus- longest nerve in the body Accessory- shoulders and neck movement Hypoglossal- tongue in speaking movement, swallowing, and chewing. Trochlear- eye movement Abducens- eye movement Facial- facial expressions Vestibulochlear- house hearing receptors 5. Distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system- The sympathetic division are your fight or flight responses. If you are getting cornered in an ally you a have a set of responses that you may put forward. This division acts under stressful situations. The parasympathetic division is your responses for normal situations. This division activates under normal situations. The Senses 1. Describe how the sense of pain is produced- free nerve endings on your skin pick up stimulating from sensations of pain and send them to the brain. There are two different types, touch and pressure is contact to the surface of the body and deep pressure senses are impulses from pain in the internal tissues. 2. Explain the mechanism for smell- the olfactory nerve is the nerve in your body that controls the sense of smell. Your sense of smell is a chemoreceptor so it picks up and reacts with the chemicals that you smell. 3. Explain the mechanism for taste- Taste is also a chemoreceptor. The organs of taste are located in the papillae, which are otherwise known as your taste buds. You have 5 different taste cells, sweet, umami, bitter, sour, and salty. In order to taste the chemicals in food your saliva has to break down the chemicals and release them before your papillae picks up on the taste. 4. Name the parts and explain the functions of the outer, middle, and inner part of the ear-The outer ear is made up of our auricle and the external acoustic meatus. It simply picks up sound and funnels sound into the next part of the ear, which is the middle ear. The middle ear is made up of the tympanic cavity otherwise known as the eardrum. The ear drum is made up of three auditory bones in which the vibration pass through and create the sound that is sent to the inner ear where the auditory cortex interprets the sensory impulses. 5. Distinguish between static and dynamic equilibrium- static equilibrium senses when the head is still and maintains balance throughout and dynamic equilibrium senses when the body and head are moving and tries to maintain balance. Endocrine System 1. Explain how insulin and glucagon work together to regulate blood levels of glucose- Glucagon and insulin work against each other in the regulating of blood sugar. Glucagon stimulates the liver to break down glycogen and convert some noncarbohydrates, for example amino acids, into glucose to raise the blood sugar. Insulin on the other hand does the exact opposite. Insulin stimulates the liver to form glycogen from glucose. Also, the secretion of insulin encourages transport of amino acids into cells, increases the rate and time of protein synthesis, and stimulates adipose cells to synthesize and store fat. 2. Distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands- the exocrine glands secret hormones into ducts and the endocrine system secretes hormones into body fluids. The Endocrine system has 5 parts, the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pancreas. 3. Name and describe the major endocrine glands and list the hormones they secrete- Pituitary- hormones: pituitary gland which is at the base of the brain and it controls all hormones, the growth hormone uses carbohydrates at a faster rate in order to make your body grow, next is the thyroid-stimulating hormone which controls the secretion of hormones from  the thyroid but the hypothalamus controls the release of TSH, last is the anti diaretic hormone which forces the kidneys to conserve water. Thyroid- the thyroid gland is made up of follicles that store hormones and it is located in the neck. The thyroid gland releases Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which increase the metabolic rate of cells, enhance protein synthesis and stimulate lipid operation. Parathyroid- secretory cells that contain capillaries. The parathyroid gland secretes the parathyroid hormone, which increases blood calcium and decreases blood phosphate ion levels. Adrenal- made up of the adrenal medulla, which secretes epinephrine and nonrepinephrine. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system controls the secretion of these hormones. The adrenal cortex also makes up the adrenal gland and it produces a number of steroid hormones such as aldosterone, and cortisol, and adrenal sex hormones. Pancreas- the pancreas secretes digestive juices and hormones. The pancreas is attached to the small intestine and it secretes glucagon and insulin. (See number 1) 4. Describe how the body responds to stress- Stress is caused by a threat to the maintenance of homeostasis. The hypothalamus controls the stress responses. These responses include your fight or flight responses such as raise in blood sugar, glycerol and fatty acids. Increased heart rate, blood pressure and an increase in the breathing rate, increase in epinephrine from the adrenal medulla (See answer 3). Digestive System and Nutrition 1. Identify each of the organs/structures of the digestive system and discuss how the function of each one contributes to the digestive process- Mouth- aids in the mechanical break down of food. This process begins digestion. Salivary glands- release an enzyme called saliva which begins the chemical digestion of food and produces the taste also. Pharynx- pushes food to the esophagus. Esophagus- pushes food the stomach Stomach- when the stomach receives the food from the esophagus it mixes it with juices and begins the protein digestion then to is sent to the small intestine. Small intestine- takes out the nutrients from the food and moves the waste to the large intestine. Large intestine- reabsorbs water to form feces. 2. Name and describe the many negative health effects and diseases associated with corn syrup/high fructose corn syrup consumption- Obesity- excessive weight gain is a result of the increase in consumption of HFCS. Your body cannot recognize HFCS as a food so it shunts it to a fat cell and you eat more because you don’t know your full. Liver- fructose can only break down in liver so it makes your liver fatty which can lead to diabetes Diabetes- high or low blood sugar in this case high because you consume so much FAKE sugar that your body secretes it into your blood because it doesn’t know what else to do with it. 3. In class, I used ketchup and processed-peanut butters as an example that not many people know contain corn syrup and high fructose corn sugar (among other sugars). List 4 products that contain corn syrup/high fructose corn syrup that would ‘trick’ a consumer- Bread Barbecue sauce Good (supposedly) cereals even ‘Special K’ Crackers Hamburgers

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Norways Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Norways Economy - Research Paper Example Answer # 1. Norway has the highest VAT and Cooperate tax rate in the Europe. The reason behind such high taxes is its social welfare programs. The standard rate of VAT in Norway is 25% and it is charged on every VAT goods and services. The corporate tax is about 28% in Norway. Despite that it has decreased in last several years but still it is the country with having the heavy taxes in whole Europe. The proper utilization of resources and amount receive from taxes are the key factors boosting Norway’s economy (Scottish Enterprise). Answer # 2. Norway has only one stock exchange at Oslo. The statistics as per May01, 1997 shows that the total number of firms affiliated with Oslo Stock Exchange was 179. We get to know while having a deeper look in this figure that 166 of the total listed companies were Norwegian, 13 of them were foreign where as 3 companies were listed in small and medium size business in which the 96.9% of market capitalization is of the domestic market. (Chapter 7—Banking and finance) Answer # 3.The estimated unemployment rate till 2006 was 3.5% and the inflation rate till the same year was 2.3%. Answer # 4. According to the survey done in July 2007 the total estimated population of Norway are 4,627,926. The age structure in Norway population is categorized in three parts. The first of the total population is the people till the age 14 year. Second part is comprised of people between 15 to 64 and last part is of people with the age of 65 and above. A big majority of people is in the age structure of 15 to 64 is around 66.1% then the age till 0 to 14 years take around 19% and age group of 65 and above is around 14.8%. The median age of the people is around 38.7 years in Norway. The median age of men is 37.9 years and women are 39.6 years. (The World Factbook- Norway 2007) Answer # 5.According to Norway law it requires general disclosure under the securities trading act as well some other requirement of industries. The law of legal entitles ship of holding not more than 10% has been amended in 2003. The acquisition of more than 10% can be taken place with prior government permission. A license will be issued if the permission is granted. (Norway: Securities) Answer # 6.The television advertisement that is focusing on children and adolescents for marketing purpose is banned in Norway. The young people are the biggest market for them and play a vital as consumers. The advertisements that make feel children about the identity and self esteem affects them badly. The minors takes the effects of several things faster especially if some actions are shown it them. The government has put restriction on television advertisements during children's program to prevent them from bad affects. The minors take the affect of things bit faster. The government banned the advertisements in 2002 after the proposal report submitted by committee. In the result companies banned from advertising their products on the children programs in television and radio both. (Ban on Advertising to Children - Norway) Answer # 7.There are many companies actively investigating the market. One of which is TNS Gall up. It provides the research services in various sectors i.e. Bank & Finance, Post, Tourism, Automotive, Telecom, Internet, Media, FMCG, and Public Services. (TNS Gallup).Hugin Online also provides the services for financial information. It provides annual reports, press releases and financial statements of the listed with OSE. (Norwegian Stock Market) Answer # 8.Norway has the great employment rate of 70%. Its 71.9% of the total population is its workforce and 7.3% are absent due to sickness. The Norway enjoys the sufficient number of women employment that constitutes such employment rate. Approximately in every 10 women seven are employed while in men it's every 7 out of 8. There were few percentage of women were employed in 1970. The sound economic policies create a number of job opportunities for both men and women. There are also a number of men and women work part time.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing strategy and planning coursework Essay

Marketing strategy and planning coursework - Essay Example Barclaycard has been a success story of a creative media campaign saustained by a system of persistent vaslue creation. Branding is a strategic approach adopted by organizations to create favorable perceptions about products among consumers. Barclaycard too adopted such an approach with a series of products including its debit card and the credit card. However its subsequent success with the credit card came with the innovative brand value creating efforts of t of brand value management. Some hitherto unheard of concepts were adopted by its management in order to innovate, reorient, strategically position and redefine its then existing strategic branding techniques. An articulate strategy of brand value creation along with a customer loyalty management approach was adopted in response to competitors’ threat to its core business. It was around this time that the management of the company realized the relative significance of a strategic shift in its brand management and value creation approaches. Coupled with a mammoth advertising campaign, the company sought convincingly to introduce innovation, value for money and an individual value parmeter as the new dynamic concepts in a customer-oriented promotion campaign.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Toms shoes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Toms shoes - Case Study Example By offering charity products profits increased. For 2011 alone, TOM’S shoes revenues from selling its shoes and eye care products amounted to $ 110 billion (Fashionbi, 2012). The products include black canvas, Argentina, and winter shoes. TOM’s Shoes’ revenues ensure free eye care to the needy. The corporate customers are all global groups, include those in Cambodia, India and Ethiopia. The distribution partners include SEVA, Visualiza and Childsight. Q3. TOMS shoes’ work strategy is to give away free shoes to the needy children (Youtube, 2013). For every shoe sold in TOM’s Shoes stores, one shoe is given free to the needy children around the world. Domestically, the company gives free shoes to the needy children of the 50 states. In addition, the company delivers free shoes needy children internationally, including Guatemala, Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda, and Pakistan. The benefits of giving away shoes and eyeglasses include making meaning in everyone’s lives, givers and receivers. With the donors’ helping Mycoskie, the poor children wear free shoes. With free shoes, the needy children can walk more comfortably and safely to school and other nearby locations. The company delivers the free shoes to giving partners. The giving partners identify and deliver the free shoes, eyeglasses and eye operations to needy children. Q4. Blake Mycoskie’s principles of entrepreneurship include creating demand for its quality products and services (TOMS, 2014). Mycoskie learned that business should be pure for profit and not for profit entities can engage in profit-generating activities. TOM’s Shoes both generates profits and contributes to charitable activities. Mycoskie’s management discipline is grounded on delivering quality shoe and eyeglass products and services. Mycoskie insists that resourcefulness (looking for eager donors of shoes and eye glass) and simplicity (delivering quality products and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Meaning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Meaning - Essay Example The basement and crawl space are major sources of heat loss. They can be sealed by mechanical key locks as a ventilation mechanism. The crawlspace walls can be insulated with rigid insulation. As for the base walls, a layer of insulation can be attached either on the inside or outside4. 16. ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) Foundations: a green and sustainable building system that delivers a foundation or wall that is highly energy efficient, structurally  tough, and resistant to fire fire and sound. 17. Sump pump and French-drain locations: sump pump is located in the basement and collects water that has accumulated in the water collection sump basin. The French drain is a trench with perforated pipes or filled with gravel that redirects ground and surface water away from a given area7. Doors are covered in Section R612 of the 2012 International Code Requirements. For example, during the times of fire the doors deter the spread of flames and smoke. The owner needs to be aware the hazards the glass doors could pose15. iv. COM Check – building program that allows simplifies compliance for building officials, plan checkers, and inspectors by allowing them to quickly determine whether new commercial or high-rise residential buildings, additions, and alterations meet the requirements of the IECC and ASHRAE Standard 90.1, as well as several state-specific codes. Buildipedia. Structural Steel Framing .>. Web July, 22, 2009. Accessed april 24,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical thinking - Essay Example ude all the rich and diverse elements that employees believe they bring, or contribute, to the job – seniority, prior work experiences and job performance. Outcomes are the rewards they perceive they get from their jobs and employers; outcomes include direct pay and bonuses, fringe benefits, job security and economic rewards. Employees analyze the fairness of their own outcome/input â€Å"contract†, and then compare their contract with contracts of other workers in similar jobs and even with those outside their job. Fairness of rewards (equity) may even be judged in comparison with relative criteria such as gender. Pay was a symbolic scorecard by which an employee may compare his/her outcomes with his/her inputs. An employees’ reaction may be one of the three combinations that can occur from social and pay comparisons – equity, overreward and underreward. If employees perceive equity, they will be motivated to continue to contribute at about the same level. Otherwise, under conditions of inequity, they will experience tension that will create the motivation to reduce the inequity. In the event of social and cultural changes, men and women are no longer limited by the societal expectations that only men should work for the family while women will stay home and take care of the children. The increasing presence of women in the workforce is very essential although some still believe that the hard work of women are being undervalued when it comes to the comparison between wages of men and women with the same occupation. This pay gap is an occurrence that cannot be simply ignored. Statistics from the European Union shows women in Europe get better grades in school compared to men but once they are already part of the workforce European women receive lower pay and lower chances of being promoted to top positions. Aside from compensation and remuneration, the stability of the jobs available for women is also at risk. Another research from the European Union

Monday, September 23, 2019

Use of Quick Response Codes in Health Care Research Paper

Use of Quick Response Codes in Health Care - Research Paper Example A quick response code is a matrix barcode, which can be read using a smartphone that has the right bar code reading application. In health care, the bar code is encoded with heath information or data of an individual. In order for a first respondent to access an individual’s data on the bar code during an emergency, the smartphone or other enabled devices can be used to scan the bar code (Davis, 2012). Although this technology in health care might play a big role in emergency cases, there are various concerns such as privacy and ethics concerns, raised by its use, which might discourage most health care institutions and individuals from adopting it. Body The history of the quick response codes is traced in Japan. This is where the Japan-based company ‘Denso Wave Corporation’ invented this technology in 1994. Initially, this technology was not meant for use in health care. Instead, the company invented this to help in tracking Toyota vehicles and vehicle parts, dur ing the process of manufacturing. However, in the most years, packaging companies and consumer advertisers have been responsible for the infiltration of the QR codes in the USA. Today, QR codes are found on the internet, on mails from advertisers, on books, and on billboards. In this case, the bar codes have data about the advertised products and the company, as well as the URL’s of the company. Most recently, QR codes have crossed the border from advertising and marketing industry to the health care sector (Maeder & Martin-Sanchez (2012) In health care, this technology is still new, therefore, has not been adopted by most health care institutions. Knowledge of the technology and expertise still lacks, since this technology is still in its initial stage of implementation. For instance, in the USA today, the implementation of this new technology is underway in the Marin County, in the state of California, through a partnership with Lifesquare. The health care professionals in this county are being equipped with iPhones with enabled bar code readers. On the other hand, Marin residents are encouraged to register their personal and medical information in the quick response bar codes available in CVS stores. Lifesquare requires the individuals to stick the bar code stickers to areas it recommends, such as wallets, and mobile phones, among others, where these can be accessed during an emergency (Davis, 2012). In this case, the health data read by the first respondent is directly fed into the emergency systems of the relevant health care institution. According to Garcia-Betances and Huerta (2012), the major advantage of using QR code is that it is a simple technology, which does not require special tags in its use. The QR code is a type of a 2D code, thus it is easy to generate and print the bar code on different surfaces, including paper, and plastic surfaces, among others. This does not require use of any complex equipment. Therefore, with basic training, in dividuals lacking information on how to use the QR codes can learn this within a short period. Additionally, the QR codes in health care are capable of reducing cases of erroneous reading of patient health information, leading to misdiagnosis and wrong prescriptions. This is because, QR codes are easy to read and decode since this technology is not a complex. As long as an individual has a smartphone or a device capable of decoding a bar code, they can access the health data on a patient’s bar code. Garcia-Betances and Huerta (2012) note that since the 2D-based readers are camera-based, these have a much

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Random error Essay Example for Free

Random error Essay The fixed resistance that gives me the greatest range of results is 1000 ?. Interestingly this happens to be the same resistance as the resistance of the thermistor at 25 i C Response time The response time of my sensor depends upon how quickly the thermistor reacts to a change in the temperature of the surrounding environment. The response time of my sensor does not need to be particularly fast under or around ten seconds would be sufficient. This is mainly because the plants in the greenhouse will not be affected be a short period of time at a slightly cooler temperature than the optimum growing temperature of 25 i C. The thermistor that I am using will be able to detect the temperature in one second or less, a period of time that will not affect the plants. Random error There is a chance that a random error could occur in my sensor. This however is a small chance, mainly due to the fact that the sensor will be working permanently, rather than taking results every hour for example. Systematic errors There is a possibility that a systematic error could occur in my sensor, these are mainly down to instances such as zero errors, and usually all of the results are affected. In my sensor, temperature could change the resistance of the fixed resistor in the potential divider. I do not think this should be a problem in my sensor though because the sensor will not become hot enough for this to be a factor. Now that I have taken these things into consideration I am going to perform an experiment to find out what the output potential difference will give at certain temperatures. I will place the thermistor inside a small coin bag, so that I can put the thermistor into a beaker of water. Due to water having a high specific heat capacity, it cools down quite slowly. As a result of this, I will put my thermistor in the bag into a beaker of water. I will read the potential difference across the thermistor at different temperatures of water, starting at 50i C letting the water cool and taking readings every 5i C. When the water temperature reaches about room temperature, I will put some ice cubes into the beaker of water to lower the temperature of the water further. The potential difference output from the lab pack transformer will be 10v.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Arrys document Essay Example for Free

Arrys document Essay For the person specification I again used Ms word to created the document. I used Ms Word when creating my document because it is easier to insert tables. I state a brief summary explaining why it is important for the candidate to meet all the criteria the document is asking for. This makes it aware for the candidate to know before hand. This is why I have explained in detail so that the candidate can provide all the necessary documents and evidence he/she needs to have before applying for the post. The second thing I have is insert a table so that I can list all the information that candidate should have when they apply for the post. In the table I have mentioned how candidate would be tested on their skills. I think that it is important to test the skills and inform them earlier as candidate can prepare to be tested. I have used bullet points with short points telling what is needed. I believe listing all the necessary informing in bullet points makes it easier to see. If I was going to write the whole specification in long paragraphs then it would have been very boring and time consuming for the candidate to read. I chose to keep the document simple with bold font and clearer by being short and to the point with bold font to help enhance the look of the document. I believe in my document the main point that I think I stated was important is that applicant should be aged 18 or above. This is because candidate should be handling or selling alcohol when needed so therefore I complied with the Employment equality (age) regulations 2006. So therefore I think it is very important for the company to inform the candidate before hand so that they could know the legal requirements because if they dont then the company could face the possibility of getting sued. From the previous task two I took some of the information which I thought would be useful. So from that document I made quite a similar person specification according to the position as a check out assistant. First, I insert a table to make the document look more professional and use formal language so that the layout is satisfactory to both the company and the applicant. I also kept the document simple and in detail such as by presenting all the information, to be shown in a table to make the document look more professional and use formal language so that the layout is satisfactory to both the company and the applicant. I personally think that my document was not that good from rest of my group members documents because there were some of the information points were missing and it was not designed to a very high standard document. This is the main reason it was not chosen. I only included some of the basic information that needs to be in a person specification such as the qualification, skills required and relevant experiences because the information I provided could have been added more to it. When making comparison to Arrys document he has got all the information in a depth explanation on what the criteria of the check out assistant should have been. Also on the second page he has got a brief summary of what each criteria means and what short of candidate the company is looking for. By this it should be very clear for any applicant who is interested in the job position as it has all the necessary information that needs to be known by the applicant. Chelsea and my person specification had only the basic information and there were not explained in a depth information like Arry. In the meeting we discussed the good and the bad points of each our documents so that we could come up with a final document. All of us had most of the important bits of information but we figure it out that Arry s document was the best among all of us as he had all the important bits of information and not only to that he had an extra page expending more on why all the criteria so that it make clear sense for the candidate to understand it even better. His document stood out best when comparing from rest of our document as well informative and it looked very professional to a very high standard. In his documents there were all the necessary information we had in our document but there were more on his document than ours. So therefore we all agreed that we chose Arrays document. We thought that we did not need to add anything to the document and that was the final document for the person specification. However, the layout of the document was created together. For the job advert I produced using Ms Publisher because I believe all the job advertisement are produced there. As it has got the right format of the layout guides and custom layout to designed the document which in result can look professional in nature. The document I have produced is straight forward in informing the position of a job vacancy. The important information are in bold font and the font size is bigger than the normal size of the text. By doing this it makes my advert stand out and more appealing to a wider range of applicant and making it easier for the applicant to grab the main points and to see the main points. I have taken some of the information from task two while I had created my advert. These are the things I have considered which are; I included a logo of my company to make it look more professional and eye catching as well as it enables for the candidate to see different ethnic staff ASDA employ. Also, I included a picture of ASDA staff as it helps the applicant to see the dress code and uniform that applicant should be wearing when they are working at the company. I used clear, simple language so that the font style and the size of the applicants would find it easy to read. I stated the main important information in the beginning with bold text, bigger font size with short cut sentences so that the document is attractive making it easier for the applicant to grab the main points of the advert. The second main point I included a brief summary stating the responsibilities with bullet points . Then at last I stated a brief summary of the job description and company description will be shown. I tried to kept my document simple to the point because it will help the readers to see the information much quicker. As I think that giving too much unnecessary information about the job position in a job advert will be a waste for the applicant to read and it does not help enhance the overall document rather it makes it look unprofessional. I have created my job advert by using the help of task 2 where I considered some of the useful information applying in some of the useful bits and applied the information to my document where I thought it would be suitable. Again all of us had some of the basic information that needed to be in a job advert like the details of the job vacancy for instance in a table everyone had included what the job is about and giving details of the location of the job, hours, salary etc. We thought these were the main important parts that needed to be included in the document as without it, it would no have made any sense for the applicant to understand what the purpose of the document and its job vacancy position. Also all of us had included short paragraphs of what kind of candidate the company is looking for. We believed that stating a brief description would briefly tell them what the job entails and gives an overview. All of our document layout were clear and short making it interesting for the readers to follow and read. In everyone documents they have include the main responsibilities and key task, explaining in brief description of the job role and what kind of candidate they want to recruit. We thought It was important to state this because it will ensure that candidate have the skills to perform the job before they apply for the position. There was a tie between whose job advert to choose between Ben and Chelsie as both of their advert were equally good. It was quite a hard choice to make as the decision to whom to choose. But comparing twice made us pick Chelsie as her advert was more in an informative way such as she had used simple language, short paragraphs and bullet points. This makes it easier for both the candidate and the reader to read it more clearly and does not take time for them to go through such in detail because it is straight forward to the point on what kind of candidate the company is looking for . It has got all the necessary information of the job. What made it stand out from the rest of our document is that Chelsie document is simple clear to read and understand and short paragraph. Also the fact that she has state a brief summary of the company history like why it is so popular to have a career in ASDA and the benefits of joining the company makes it attractive and appealing for the candidate to have a career at ASDA because of their huge growing numbers of location ASDA has got.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Barriers Of Enterprise System Information Technology Essay

Barriers Of Enterprise System Information Technology Essay This report focuses on the impact of Enterprise System on ALDI supermarket. ERP systems are costly and complex. They require heavy investments and experts. This research examines key dimensions of implementation of Enterprise system within ALDI supermarket. The components of Enterprise System Software: ERP, CRM AND SCM and its benefits to ALDI supermarket are identified and discussed. Although enterprise system benefits ALDI in many ways, there are some disadvantages and barriers to implement it. These barriers and risks are identified and possible solutions are suggested. INTRODUCTION TO ALDI ALDI (Albrecht Discount) is a discount supermarket chain which is based on Germany and is one of the cheapest and smartest ways to buy groceries. ALDI was established in 1913 and the chain is made up of two separate groups, ALDI North and ALDI south. By the early 1990s the company operated an estimated 3,000 stores in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. Today, ALDIs rapidly growing network has more than 7,000 stores and serves millions of people across three continents. Aldi has taken this retail concept, which features low overhead and scanty selection, to its extreme. Unlike other supermarket chains, which continuously increase their product offerings and selling space, Aldi holds selection at its stores to about 500 items. The bulk of these items are packaged grocery or dry goods. ALDI claims Simplicity, consistency and responsibility have always been our three defining core values. As an expanding discount retailer, our actions have international influence in different markets and along the supply chain. ALDI has a different strategy of doing business and saving money. ALDI stores are usually small, from 8,000 to 15,000 square feet. ALDIs outlets also used to bypass expensive barcode scanners that are used by other stores to inventory and price products. Instead, a stockperson would simply post a sign with the price nearby. Price lists were memorised by the cashier but with the demanding information technology, ALDI has now started to use barcode scanners. Each product that ALDI sales have 4 barcodes which makes it quicker to scan and increases the productivity of the cashier (this has been inspected in one of the ALDI store in seven sisters, London). ALDI has also decided not to sell fresh meat which again saves company money as it can avoid steep refrigeration costs as well as the high wages the meat-cutters unions demand. ALDI also has a strategy to keep labour cost low in different ways. ALDI charges four cents per bag to their customers and the customers must bag their own groceries. Customers can rent a shopping trolley for 25 cents and they get their quarter back when they bring the shopping trolley to the front of the store. By doing this, ALDI does not have to pay someone to collect the trolley in the parking lot or replace stolen ones. ALDI also keeps the telephone numbers of their stores unlisted so that employees dont waste time answering the phone. Aldi-style austerity holds labour costs to an estimated four percent of store sales, compared to ten percent to 12 percent for most supermarkets. ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE Enterprise software services a larger amount of users and needs, typically through the use of a network and multiple points of processing and clients. Enterprise software provides services which are typically business-oriented tools such as online shopping and online payment processing, interactive product catalogue, automated billing systems, security, content management, IT service management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, Human Resource management, manufacturing, application integration etc. It is normally multi-tiered client/server. In the past, companies were used to compete based on one or two competitive performance objectives such as price and quality. However, present markets demand both price and quality in addition to greater flexibility and responsiveness. Information systems such as Enterprise resource planning (ERP) have gained ground in providing support for achieving an integrated supply chain. Firms around the world have been implementing ERP systems since the 1990s to have a uniform information system in their respective organisations and to re-engineer their business processes. There are three main components of Enterprise System Software. They are: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Supply Chain Management (SCM) ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) ERP uses internet technologies to integrate the flow of information from internal business functions as well as information from customers and suppliers such as manufacturing, finance, procurement and distribution. The system uses a relational database management system, within client/server network architecture, to capture valuable management data. ERP systems offer companies the following three major benefits: Business process automation Timely access to management information Improvement in the supply chain via the use of e-communication and e- commerce. ERP links all areas of a company including order management, manufacturing, human resources, financial systems, and distribution with external suppliers and customers into a tightly integrated system with shared data and visibility. It is not a good move to just plan resources required to run the enterprise; they need to be managed as well. An organisation must access itself, to see if it is ready for ERP. It must determine if it is ready for the competitive business environment and then strengthen its position for future changes. ERP software helps companys operations after they are integrated into the system with the help of experts. In addition, in order for them to be efficient, they have to be used by experienced personnel so it can sometimes be very costly. There are number of ERP softwares such as: SAP R/3, ORACLE, IFS APPLICATION, SAGE MAS 500, CANIAS ERP, SAS etc of which SAP R/3 is the most popular and is used by most of the organisation. BENEFITS of ERP ERP software can help ALDI supermarket in following ways: End user service delivery: ERP software has the features and functions that enable end-user services: innovative support for ALIDs business roles that help to extend the reach of human resource processes to all stakeholders. It also boosts productivity and efficiency and reduces many transactions and processes once handled by HR staff. Reduce operating costs: ERP software can help ALDI supermarket to reduce cost such as inventory cost, production cost, marketing cost etc. with ERP software, ALDI can improve coordination across functional departments and increase efficiency of doing business. Support strategic planning: Strategic planning defines business target and set of goals and objectives. It assesses plan and design coordination strategies and logically connects these strategies to needs, assets and outcomes. Part of ERP software systems are designed to support resource planning portion of strategic planning. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Business in todays world is customer driven. In the past, price and quality were the key factors to successful business but now, customer satisfaction and flexibility have also become equally important. Customer Relationship management is very important to a business successfully. The better the customer relationship is, the easier it gets to conduct business and generate revenue. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software helps to understand customer needs and allows ALDI supermarket to design customer-specific levels of service and also increases value per customer and customer retention. CRM softwares can be categorised into four different types: outsourced solutions, off-the shelf solution, bespoke software and managed solutions. It might be very costly and time consuming at times to implement CRM software however it can benefit ALDI in many ways: Based on previous records, it can increase sales through better timing by anticipating customer needs Can identify needs by understanding customer requirements Can identify which customers are profitable and which are not Can improve profitability by focussing on most profitable customers. BENEFITS OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps to build profitable and lasting customer relationship by providing the insight and analysis needed to anticipate customer needs. CRM provides the following: Flexibility to create unique customer experience: CRM software helps end-to-end business processes to address an array of marketing, sales, and service situations. The CRM software easily adapts and extends to create a more distinctive customer experience. Drives organisation to more consistent interactions across all channels: CRM software can help ALDI to make the most of every customer interaction that is consistent and relevant, with real-time information about the complete history, value and profitability of each customer across the entire customer life cycle. Enables end-to-end process within the industry value chain: CRM software can help ALDI drive customer value, loyalty across the entire value chain. CRM can turn the vision of customer-driven growth into reality with the best in class front office functionality that complements industry-specific processes. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Supply chain management can be defined as the management of a distribution channel across organisations. It is the design, planning, execution and monitoring of all supply chain activities. Supply chain management can benefit ALDI supermarket to plan smoothly and execute related operations to achieve long-term profitability and maintain a solid competitive edge. BENEFITS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Improve supply chain network: with supply chain management, ALDI can monitor the status of all activities across all suppliers, production plants and distribution centres. SCM enables an effective way of tracking and managing all related processes, from ordering through manufacturing and shipping of end product to customers. Minimized Delays: Delays in supply chain can result in poor relationship, unsuccessful business and eventually loss of business. With supply chain management software, all activities from start to finish can be coordinated with higher level of on-time delivery across the board. Enhanced collaboration: Supply chain softwares can bridge the gap between departed business software at remote locations to improve collaboration among supply chain partners. All participants can dynamically share vital information such as demand reports, forecasts, inventory levels etc. in real time. Reduced Costs: Supply chain software can help ALDI supermarket reduce overhead expenses in many ways. It can improve inventory management and facilitate successful implementation of on-time stock models. It also helps ALDI to make effective demand plans, so production and sales level can be set to the maximum. It can also help improve relationships with distributors which can cut the cost in ordering products in volume. BARRIERS IN IMPLEMENTING ENTERPRISE SYSTEM SOFTWARE Though enterprise system softwares have many benefits, these benefits can sometimes be matched with high level risk because of its complexity. According to Soh (el al 2000), some companies even terminate the implementation of enterprise system software regarding time, cost and disruption caused and sometimes limited benefits once the system becomes operational. There may be some barriers while trying to adjust the enterprise software and barriers cause decrease in organisational performance instead of improvement. Organisational change is one of the most important barriers encountered in transition of new systems. Some of the barriers involved during implementation of enterprise system software are: Structural Barriers, Technological Barriers, Intellectual and Socio emotional Barriers and Cost Barrier. STRUCTURAL BARRIERS It is very important to understand the organisational structure existent in the organisation before implementing enterprise system software to prevent possible knowledge integration problems that could exist. The main structural barrier is that organisational structural limits the interaction among the different functional areas. The level of efficiency reached in the implementing enterprise system software depends upon how the organisational structure aligns with the nature of the tasks performed by members. Ross and Vitales (2000) found that the majority of the firms surveyed perceived enterprise system software implementation to be extremely disruptive. Enterprise software implementation may only succeed when the organisation is able to re-structure itself, and not just overlay the new management information system on the old organisational structure. Hammer (1999) argues that the ERP implementation is an integrative mechanism that connects diverse departments establishing integra ted processes. TECHNOLOGICAL BARRIER The IS people within the information systems department who are the founders of the pervious system might have problems to understand and maintain the new enterprise software easily. This is when the technological barrier emerges. The IS people may not be able to provide good support the new enterprise software users because they had not internalised the routines necessary to support the new enterprise software. The second technological barrier could be the parallel use of legacy systems. According to Mileton-Kelly (2004), the new systems may quickly become legacy systems as they might not meet the full requirements of the users and may not be able to fully support business evolution. Furthermore, most of the legacy systems do not use a relational database management system (RDBMS); they still use proprietary flat file system. The reason for this is because there is no central ownership of data or information items in use by companies. This problem could be solved with the use of legacy systems for validation reasons only. Since ERP modules, processes or reports were validated, users only will have access to the ERP environment for their day to day work. This solution reduces the amount of work in terms of duplication of efforts. Moreover, users will focus only in the ERP system; this means a reduction of the comparisons with the legacy systems, an increment of the users productivity, and a possibility to integrate user knowledge in the ERP system. INTELLECTUAL AND SOCIO-EMOTIONAL BARRIERS The intellectual dimension is related with the learning and knowledge of users, and the socio-emotional dimension considers the feelings and the willingness to improve skills of the users. The main barriers involved in these dimensions could be: knowledge transfer between the legacy system and the new ERP system, and between consultants and ERP users. According to Ko, Kirsch, and king (2005), not much is known about knowledge transfer from consultants to ERP users, in which the knowledge structure of the participants is asymmetric. The consultant primarily possesses technical knowledge, whereas their clients and future ERP users primarily possess business knowledge. Hence, the knowledge initially possessed by the consultant must be integrated and embodied in the knowledge of the ERP users. This might remove barriers and also allows both parties to minimize disagreements and enhance their ability to work together for effectively transferring knowledge. The concern about users preferri ng old procedures and not adopting to the new ERP environment could be prevailing. Users may not be resisting to the change, but they might be trying to make sense of the change. This approach is related with the socio-emotional dimension because users need to justify that these changes are better from them. User training could be a key requirement for ERP implementation. Those organisations which invested in training had successfully overcome socio-emotional barriers involved with the ERP implementation. The individual knowledge barrier could be overcome by the identification and definition of new procedures and functions to shift the user perspective from the individual level to the organisational level. This means that to reach the knowledge integration process across the organisation, there may be a need to map the existing knowledge into the ERP functionality. This new vision helps to reduce the perception of the new ERP system. Pan et al. (2001) also suggests that ERP team members must instigate a process of relationship building through increased information sharing and social interaction among users. This behaviour promotes the structural integration to improve knowledge integration through users willingness to share information and ideas in the form of political transparency or process de-layering. COST BARRIER Although Enterprise system software can benefit ALDI in many different ways, it is very costly and hard to implement. ALDIs main strategy is to sell cheap products and use less technology. They sell the products cheap as they save money on technology but if they use technology, they might not be able to sell the products so cheap which is going to bring another competition among other supermarkets and is against ALDIs current strategy. CONCLUSION In the report, a brief history and introduction to ALDI supermarket was discussed. ALDI is a supermarket which was established in 1913 at Germany. Today, ALDI has more than 7000 stores and serves millions of customers across three continents. ALDIs business strategies were studied by visiting ALDIs local store and conversation with managers of ALDI. An overview of Enterprise Software and its components: Enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management and supply chain management were discussed. Benefits of using ERP, CRM and SCM were identified and it was discussed how ALDI would benefit by using these enterprise system software. Finally, barriers and risks of using enterprise system software were identified and solutions to those barriers were discussed.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Looks and Love Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Looks and Love Before I left home for college, my group of friends and I sat down for one last serious heart-to-heart. Sometime during our conversation, the question of college choice arose. Emotions escalated as we realized how far apart we would be in a short time. "Why did you choose to go to MIT?" they asked, "Why couldn't you just stay home at a state university?" Wanting to lighten the mood, I replied, laughing, "That's an easy one...the guys, of course!" And after the initial uproar of laughter died down and the comments about geeks and scrawny computer nerds subsided, I said, "I'm serious." I was. Where else would I find an intelligent and genuine guy who would be mature enough for me? When I arrived in Massachusetts and classes finally started, so did my "man mission." Most of the men I met blew the boys back home out of the water, and one lucky day, I peered past my twirling pink pen and found Him. The more I learned about Him, the more enamored I became. Yet I, a usually outgoing and assertive young woman, felt uncomfortable approaching this wonderful person in that more-than-a-friend kind of way. The worst part about the situation was that I knew exactly where my uneasiness was coming from. Unlike the guys at home, where seventy percent of the young male population had black hair and dark brown eyes, this guy was blonde and fair-skinned, a stark contrast not only to the male population back home, but to me. I am not a racist person, but the petty idea that this guy did not share like features with me, hindered me from appreciating what we did share and made me more aware of the differences between us. So where then, did this silly idea of single race relationships come from? Why did He an... ...zines remind me that this relationship would not be the most socially accepted or ordinary thing to do. But it is ordinary. I know I've fallen for this guy because of his humor and quirkiness, his intelligence, his kindness, and his character, things that I should be looking for. So now, I sit here in my baggy calf-length skater shorts and bright orange hooded sweatshirt and stare across the seats, focusing on his neatly ironed khakis and dark blue dress shirt, and think that our hypothetical relationship would die quickly. I'm still that closed-lipped girl from the beginning of the story when it comes to my feelings because I don't want to be rejected, and for some reason I feel like we might not be right for each other, even though I know we are. And it depresses me that somehow, our ad-driven society is probably convincing him of that same exact thing.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Great Gatsby: The Sympathetic Readers Essay -- Great Gatsby Essays

The Great Gatsby:  Ã‚   The Sympathetic Readers You can easily become very sympathetic to a character by how the author portrays him or her in a story. In The Great Gatsby the main character is an ostentatious bootlegger who pines for one thing, a married woman. Somehow, the author swindles the reader into being sympathetic for Gatsby throughout the entire novel. Fitzgerald makes the reader compassionate by showing how Gatsby had extravagant parties for anyone who wanted to come, how he struggled to get ahead in life, and how he endeavored for Daisy's love.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Gatsby had an exuberant and lavish party almost every night. His house was full of people, some of whom he had never met before. "I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited - they went there." (45) Some may think Gatsby was just trying to swagger. However, if this was the circumstance he would have just invited the people he wanted to show off to. To hold these prodigal parties Gatsby may have obtained money from racketeering but he still used it appropriately. He had dignified caterers, brilliant and luminous lights, scrumptious and exquisite food, and a grand orchestra at all of his parties. Gatsby let people have a great time at his expense. "I like to come," one guest said. "I never care what I do, so I always have a good time. When I was here last a I tore my gown on a chair, and he (Gatsby) asked me my name and address-inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it." This incident was not even Gatsby's fault, but he was kind enough to pay for a brand new, exorbitant dress. Despite Gatsby's ex... ...sby fabricated that he had been the one driving the car. He waited outside Daisy's house just to make sure Tom didn't aggrieve Daisy.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The dictionary defines "great" as an adjective that means remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness, full of emotion, eminent, distinguished, grand, markedly superior in character or quality, noble, remarkably skilled, marked by enthusiasm, used as a generalized term of approval. All of these terms together though can not adequately describe Gatsby. Nick declares, "They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." Nick vocally expresses his admiration for The Great Gatsby. The reader is compelled to agree, conjuring up all of the sentiments of the very definitions of "great". Despite some of the methods and antics utilized by Gatsby, in the end we all became sympathetic readers. The Great Gatsby: The Sympathetic Readers Essay -- Great Gatsby Essays The Great Gatsby:  Ã‚   The Sympathetic Readers You can easily become very sympathetic to a character by how the author portrays him or her in a story. In The Great Gatsby the main character is an ostentatious bootlegger who pines for one thing, a married woman. Somehow, the author swindles the reader into being sympathetic for Gatsby throughout the entire novel. Fitzgerald makes the reader compassionate by showing how Gatsby had extravagant parties for anyone who wanted to come, how he struggled to get ahead in life, and how he endeavored for Daisy's love.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Gatsby had an exuberant and lavish party almost every night. His house was full of people, some of whom he had never met before. "I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited - they went there." (45) Some may think Gatsby was just trying to swagger. However, if this was the circumstance he would have just invited the people he wanted to show off to. To hold these prodigal parties Gatsby may have obtained money from racketeering but he still used it appropriately. He had dignified caterers, brilliant and luminous lights, scrumptious and exquisite food, and a grand orchestra at all of his parties. Gatsby let people have a great time at his expense. "I like to come," one guest said. "I never care what I do, so I always have a good time. When I was here last a I tore my gown on a chair, and he (Gatsby) asked me my name and address-inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it." This incident was not even Gatsby's fault, but he was kind enough to pay for a brand new, exorbitant dress. Despite Gatsby's ex... ...sby fabricated that he had been the one driving the car. He waited outside Daisy's house just to make sure Tom didn't aggrieve Daisy.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The dictionary defines "great" as an adjective that means remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness, full of emotion, eminent, distinguished, grand, markedly superior in character or quality, noble, remarkably skilled, marked by enthusiasm, used as a generalized term of approval. All of these terms together though can not adequately describe Gatsby. Nick declares, "They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." Nick vocally expresses his admiration for The Great Gatsby. The reader is compelled to agree, conjuring up all of the sentiments of the very definitions of "great". Despite some of the methods and antics utilized by Gatsby, in the end we all became sympathetic readers.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Applied Social Psychology and Causes: The Case of Control Arms Campaign

During the course of discussions on topics on Social Psychology, I had a realization on the importance of Social Psychology as a school of thought. It dawned on me that the social-psychological school of thought has its relevance on how individuals perceive, create and recreate relationships within and among groups.One of the most practical applications of the range of topics within this course is in asking what makes the individual tick in a particular group. Personally, social psychology’s relevance lies in asking: what drives the individual to act in such a way within a group?In class, we have been bombarded by a mà ©lange of ideas and concepts that range from complex interpretations of social actions, to trivial and too obvious actions of the individual within the context of his social interactions.With that said, this paper focuses on the relevance of applying social psychology in social activism especially in the areas of advocacy and campaigns. Specifically, I would li ke to focus on the individual’s support for a particular cause which in this case is an international treaty.The assumption that I am making in this paper is that the different theories discussed in class are not fragmented concepts to deal with but are all helpful in making social psychology relevant in reality. With that said, the discussion here attempts to integrate the concepts to make a coherent framework with which to approach campaigning for an international treaty.Advocacy and Campaigns: The Arms Trade TreatyControl Arms (2007) stated that, â€Å"There are at least 639 million small arms and light weapons in the world.† The leading group campaigning for global measure on arms explains that around two-thirds of these firearms are in the hands of civilians. This implies that if we want peace, addressing the issue of arms proliferation is a very huge leap towards lessening gun-related deaths and in achieving world peace. However, the campaign is not without its s etbacks.Until now, no global agreement on international arms transfers exist, although the relationship is clear vis-à  -vis the high number of guns available for civilians and deaths. (Control Arms, 2003). Small arms and light weapons are considered as the new â€Å"weapons of mass destruction,† because guns kill people—innocent civilians, women and children. Guns fuel greater violence and it creates fear and trauma on communities.Americans are better off than our African and Asian counterparts because we are at peace. Ironically, we are one of the biggest producers of weapons for warfare and the biggest of which is guns.Applying Social Psychology Concepts on Advocacy and CampaignsOne of the initial weaknesses of this campaign is in the lack of public support for it. In the United States, the reactions on an international treaty that regulates arms transfers from one country to another differ greatly. It is bipolar: the pro-guns versus the anti-guns. It is also a cri sis of public perception: between what is popular and what people typically approve.A.  Ã‚  Ã‚   On NormsCialdini (2003) presents what I call a ‘social form of schizophrenia’ when there is a discrepancy between what people do and what they typically approve of—which are two entirely different characteristics. Furthermore, Cialdini proposed that norms determine actions, and thus, the prevailing norms on gun culture determine people’s behavior towards it.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Examine the Key Ideas Associated with Law and Punishment

Examine the key ideas associated with law and punishment Law and Punishment go hand in hand. There are Laws, which are the system of rules which a particular country or community recognises as regulating the actions of followers, and there are punishments, for when a member of said country/community breaks the rules. Punishment is defined as the infliction of a penalty or to cause pain for an offence.Most of the time it is not a choice as to whether you are part of a law-following community because almost all countries in the world have some kind of law-system and often the minute you turn the age where you are legally responsible or step off the boat, plane or train you are subjected to their laws. The Biblical views on punishment have often been based on the old testament teaching ‘an eye for an eye’. The bible also lays out punishments for certain crimes that appear to follow this teaching. Except that there are many punishments in the bible that seem to be out of pro portion to the crime e. . â€Å"whoever curses his father or his mother will be put to death†. There are many problems with this statement for example it does not state how old the son/daughter has to be to deserve this punishment, it seems to imply even a 4 year old who does not necessarily know what they are saying can be put to death for cursing their parents. An eye for an eye is also relevant in today’s laws, it is the basis of retributive justice that is present in our society. Retributive justice is the idea that those who have done the crime should somehow pay back for what they did.Rachel’s said â€Å"People deserve to be treated in the same way that they have (voluntarily treated others)† This seems like a fair way of treating someone because why someone should be allowed to do one thing and then not expect to be treated in the same way? But some punishments that are retributive e. g. capital punishment do not seem to benefit society and there i s a risk of the punishment becoming revengeful not retributive. Retributive justice also causes a problem because it might make capital punishment a legitimate approach to punishment.I. e. If a person murders it is right for them to be killed. And It also can lead the legal system to instead of appearing like someone is being made to pay back what they have done wrong to looking like the legal system is being hypocritical i. e. we are showing society that it is wrong to be violent by being violent to wrong doers. This is not how we should be teaching people to not be violent. The punishment also must not be disproportionate to the crime e. g. sentencing a small child to death for stealing a sweet from a shop.Some forms of punishment e. g. fines may be disproportionate because to people with money a fine does not make any difference but to someone who has just enough money or just below the money they need for necessities it can be a massive problem, but on average I think retributiv e measures helps to make the punishment be proportionate to the crime because the person can be treated the way they treated others. Deterrence is another form of punishment. It means that we should punish for crimes in order to deter others from committing the same crime i. e. f we know what the punishment for an act is we are less inclined to do it. However there are problems with this because it assumes that the perpetrator had intent and full knowledge of what they were doing was wrong but often violent crimes happen in the heat of the moment and are not planned and those violent crimes that are calculated are often done by those people who are mentally ill. Also, why should be punish someone for the sake of someone else? Reformative justice is becoming more popular in today’s society and is the attempt to turn the criminal into a normal law abiding citizen.It is often based on the idea that everyone has an intrinsic value simply because they are human and the improvement of humans is good. According to deontology this is good because rehabilitation prevents people treating others as means. There is also a utilitarian argument for this because reformative justice improves the general quality of life in society. I also would argue that reformative justice is also trying to right the inequality between the rich and poor. People from less well of backgrounds are more likely to commit crimes due to them having fewer opportunities and less education.Poorer people are also more likely to come from violent backgrounds and therefore are more likely to be violent themselves. Therefore reformative justice helps make up for this lack of opportunities by offering classes inside prisons for example. Although there are many good things about reformative punishments, there are also many problems. Reformation takes away the responsibility for our actions and it does not attempt to right the wrong. This causes problems in itself because if there is no ‘punishm ent’ other than reformation then there is no incentive for people not to commit crime, in fact there is almost an incentive to commit a crime!And why someone in prison should be getting opportunities that people outside the prison do not get. I would like to think that there is good in everyone but it would simply be impractical to think that we can rehabilitate everyone as some people are simply too far gone and do not want to change. Hobbes philosophised about why we want/need laws in society and he came up with an idea called the social contract theory. This idea was based on his notion that government is an agreement between a group of people where they agree not to hurt each other.This is fuelled by the motivation of self-interest which according to Hobbes is pertinent because human beings are selfish creatures and therefore seek collective protection. i. e. If I promise not to hurt you and you promise not to hurt me then neither of us gets hurt and we’re both hap py. And this is what Hobbes believes to be the basis of our desire to keep the laws set out by the state – we should avoid chaos because it is not in our best interests therefore we should keep the laws. Kant had a similar conclusion i. e. that we should keep the laws but for a different reason.Kant said that we should ‘act so that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in that of another, always as an end’ i. e. we should keep the laws so that we do not treat others as means to an end. His idea of kingdom of ends states ‘act in accordance with the maxims of a member giving universal laws for a merely possible kingdom of ends’ where the kingdom of ends is a perfect community where all members respect each other as ends in themselves. This is what we should strive to achieve, and to be successful at this we should keep the laws of the community.Therefore we should keep the laws and to keep the laws means that we must punish those that break t he law.. Evaluate the view that objectivity and relativism pose problems for the concept of law and punishment. Objectivity states that there are ethical principles that are always wrong or always right and they are normally established a priori i. e. without experience. Therefore as there are certain things that are always wrong we need a law to stop people from doing it. This law may be objectively right and its punishment for breaking the law may also be objectively right.Objectivity might support retributive justice; Retributive justice is when someone pays back for their crime. This could support objectivity because it needs to be imposed with the consistency that objectivity provides therefore you could argue that Retributive justice only works with the objectivity and as retributive justice tends to be favoured in western societies perhaps objectivity does not pose such a problem with law and punishment. Having said this there are still the problems it does cause.Objective et hical principles are established a priori therefore we cannot know them through experience. If we do not know them through experience, how can we truly know if something is right or wrong and therefore how do we know if a law is right whilst using objectivity. Objectivity also does not allow for individual cases, it runs the risk of using a ‘one size fits all’ policy towards law and punishment and whilst we do need some consistency amongst crimes, one size does not exactly fit all because not every crime is exactly the same!Normative relativism states that truth and morality is relative to the country/society that one is in and therefore we cannot criticize other cultures as to how they do things. With regards to law and punishment this leads us to the face that there are no definite truths or morals that can be applied in every situation around the world so Punishment is determined according to the country and, if we take it relativism further, according to the circums tances of the case.Hobbes took a relativist view because he said that justice cannot be fixed, and each country/community has different ideas of what law and punishment should be all we should do is aim not be in chaos, not because it is wrong in an objective sense but because it does not serve or self-interest. Relativism may be a good thing because it allows each country to organise punishment as they see fit and there is merit in the systems that other countries have for example some people believe that Iraq was justified in the hanging of Saddam Hussein even though in our society the death penalty is not used.However it does have problems because it means that all forms of punishment are right as long as it is accepted by society e. g. it would be right to hang a small child for stealing sweets if society thought it was the correct punishment. If punishment is decided relative to the circumstance and there is no consistency we could end up with a justice system where only some p eople would be punished and this could easily lead to corruption, sexism and racism within the punishment system.It also means that there may be little point of having punishment because if only some cases lead to punishment then punishment would be pointless! It would serve no deterrent or retributive purpose. Objectivity and Relativism both have merits and cause problems for law and punishment and I do not think either can work solely on their own because they have too many problems by themselves, but on the other hand I do not know if it is possible for Objectivity and Relativism to work together.Perhaps if the laws are objective but how we punish people is relative to each country, case and persons involved. For example although killing may be objectively wrong it may not be appropriate to treat a child who killed someone, an adult who killed someone by accident and an adult who killed someone out of hate all In the same way although they have all broken the same objective rule.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Standard Deviation and Gulf View Condominiums

Case 2: Gulf Real Estate Properties. Please provide a Managerial Report that includes: 1. Appropriate descriptive statistics to summarize each of the three variables for the forty Gulf View condominiums 2. Appropriate descriptive statistics to summarize each of the three variables for the eighteen No-Gulf View condominiums 3. Comparison of your summary results from #1 & #2. Discuss any specific statistical results that would help a real estate agent understand the condominium market. 4. A 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean sales price and population mean number of days to sell for Gulf View condominiums.Also, interpret the results. 5. A 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean sales price and population mean number of days to sell for Gulf View condominiums. Also, interpret the results. Also, consider the following scenario and include your responses in your Report: 6. Assume the branch manager requested estimates of the mean selling price of Gulf View condominiums with a margin of error of $40,000 and the mean selling price of No-Gulf View condominiums with a margin of effort of $15,000. Using 95% confidence, how large should the sample sizes be? GULF VIEW CONDOMINIUMS List Price Sales Price Days to Sell 95000 475000 130 379000 350000 71 529000 519000 85 552500 534500 95 334900 334900 119 550000 505000 92 169900 165000 197 210000 210000 56 975000 945000 73 314000 314000 126 315000 305000 88 885000 800000 282 975000 975000 100 469000 445000 56 329000 305000 49 365000 330000 48 332000 312000 88 520000 495000 161 425000 405000 149 675000 669000 142 409000 400000 28 649000 649000 29 319000 305000 140 425000 410000 85 359000 340000 107 469000 449000 72 895000 875000 129 439000 430000 160 435000 400000 206 235000 227000 91 638000 618000 100 629000 600000 97 329000 309000 114 595000 555000 45 339000 315000 150 15000 200000 48 395000 375000 135 449000 425000 53 499000 465000 86 439000 428500 158 No Gulf View Condominiums List Price Sales Price Days to Sell 217000 217000 182 148000 135500 338 186500 179000 122 239000 230000 150 279000 267500 169 215000 214000 58 279000 259000 110 179900 176500 130 149900 144900 149 235000 230000 114 199800 192000 120 210000 195000 61 226000 212000 146 149900146500 137 160000 160000 281 322000 29250063 187500 179000 48 247000 227000 52 Let me know if you have any questions†¦ Answers (1) Descriptive statistics to summarize each of the three variables for the forty Gulf View condominiumsList Price |   | Sales Price |   | Days to Sell |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Mean| 474007. 5| Mean| 454222. 5| Mean| 106| Standard Error| 31194. 293| Standard Error| 30439. 72954| Standard Error| 8. 256078| Median| 437000| Median| 417500| Median| 96| Mode| 975000| Mode| 305000| Mode| 85| Standard Deviation| 197290. 03| Standard Deviation| 192517. 7534| Standard Deviation| 52. 21602| Sample Variance| 3. 892E+10| Sample Variance| 37063085378| Sample Variance| 2726. 513| Kurtos is| 1. 0113289| Kurtosis| 1. 183621479| Kurtosis| 2. 022026| Skewness| 1. 0958146| Skewness| 1. 159387914| Skewness| 1. 077642| Range| 805100| Range| 810000| Range| 254|Minimum| 169900| Minimum| 165000| Minimum| 28| Maximum| 975000| Maximum| 975000| Maximum| 282| Sum| 18960300| Sum| 18168900| Sum| 4240| Count| 40| Count| 40| Count| 40| Confidence Level(95. 0%)| 63096. 412| Confidence Level(95. 0%)| 61570. 16398| Confidence Level(95. 0%)| 16. 69949| (2) Descriptive statistics to summarize each of the three variables for the eighteen No-Gulf View condominiums List Price |   | Sales Price |   | Days to Sell |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Mean| 212805. 6| Mean| 203188. 9| Mean| 135| Standard Error| 11536. 51| Standard Error| 10345. 38| Standard Error| 17. 98402| Median| 212500| Median| 203500| Median| 126|Mode| 279000| Mode| 179000| Mode| #N/A| Standard Deviation| 48945. 28| Standard Deviation| 43891. 72| Standard Deviation| 76. 29972| Sample Variance| 2. 4E+09| Sample Variance| 1. 93E+09| Sample Variance| 5821. 647| Kurtosis| -0. 08524| Kurtosis| -0. 46407| Kurtosis| 2. 215301| Skewness| 0. 543955| Skewness| 0. 304181| Skewness| 1. 360547| Range| 174000| Range| 157000| Range| 290| Minimum| 148000| Minimum| 135500| Minimum| 48| Maximum| 322000| Maximum| 292500| Maximum| 338| Sum| 3830500| Sum| 3657400| Sum| 2430| Count| 18| Count| 18| Count| 18| Confidence Level(95. 0%)| 24339. 92| Confidence Level(95. 0%)| 21826. 4| Confidence Level(95. 0%)| 37. 94296| (3) Comparisons The mean sale price of gulf view condominiums is greater than that of non gulf view condominiums. The mean number of days to sell gulf view condominiums is less tha that of non gulf view condominiums. The variation in the sale prices of gulf view condominiums are more than that of non gulf view condominiums. The variation in the number of days to sell of gulf view condominiums are more than that of non gulf view condominiums. (4) GULF VIEW CONDOMINIUMS 95% confidence interval for po pulation mean sales price is 45422. 50 ±61570. 16 =(392652. 34,515792. 6) 95% confidence interval for population mean days to sell is 106 ±16. 70 =(89. 30,122. 70) (5) NON GULF VIEW CONDOMINIUMS 95% confidence interval for population mean sales price is 203188. 90 ±21826. 84=(181362. 05,225015. 73) 95% confidence interval for population mean days to sell is 135 ±37. 94 =(97. 06,172. 94) (6) GULF VIEW CONDOMINIUMS Confidence level = 95% z= 1. 96 s=192517. 75 E=Z*s/vn = 40000 n = (1. 96*192517. 75/40000)^2 = 88. 99 The minimum sample size is 90 GULF VIEW CONDOMINIUMS Confidence level = 95% z= 1. 96 s=43891. 72 E=Z*s/vn = 15000 n = (1. 96*43891. 72/15000)^2 = 32. 89 The minimum sample size is 33